Kenpo - Pledges
"l come to you with only karate, empty hands. l have no weapons, but should l be forced to defend myself, my principles, or my honor; should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong; then here are my weapons, karate, my empty hands."
Orange Belt Pledge
l understand that l am but a beginner in a new and fascinating art which will direct me to greater obligations and responsibilities. To honor my obligations and responsibilities, l pledge myself to serve my instructor, fellow students, and fellow men.
Purple Belt Pledge
l hold the art of Kenpo sacred, and freely take upon myself the obligation and responsibility that l shall never misuse my skill to hurt or make afraid. l shall fight only if forced to defend myself, and shall be slow to anger, loath to take offense, quick to forgive and to forget personal affront.
Blue Belt Pledge
l shall never let pride rule my passions, and will defend with all the skill l possess: the weak, the helpless, and the oppressed. l pledge an unswerving loyalty to the association and my instructor. In addition, l pledge an unending effort to earn the self-same loyalty from those who look to me for training.
Green Belt Pledge
l pledge a continued effort to sharpen my skills, to increase my knowledge, and broaden my horizons. l shall obligate myself under the direction of my instructor to teach my skills in the prescribed manner outlined by Mr. Ed Parker
3rd Brown Belt Pledge
l pledge that as my skill as a teacher progresses, l will never condemn, ridicule embarrass, or shame any Student or fellow instructor in the presence of a class or group. All grievances or disputes shall be conducted in private, away from group observation.
2nd Brown Belt Pledge
l understand that like a doctor, the private affairs of students and fellow instructors that come to my attention during the exercising of my responsibilities are privilege communications and must never be discussed with any living soul. I vow that l will never violate this pledge nor any other for the sake of personal benefit.
1st Brown Belt Pledge
l honor and hold sacred the right of all men to protect themselves. l further hold that as a trained Martial Artist in Kenpo, l will take upon myself all obligations and responsibilities deemed sacred to my God, Family, Country, and Association.
1st Black Belt Pledge
l hold that my time and my skill are the assets to my profession, assets which grow in value as l progress in Kenpo, until as a third degree Black Belt, l stand as a fully qualified instructor. lt shall also be my responsibility to protect any student from ravenous individuals who would try to take advantage of personal weaknesses to divest the
gullible into unprofitable paths. To preserve the sacred things, family, God,
and Country, l pledge my all.
Farbspiegel in der chinesischen Kultur
Der Lebensrhythmus in der alten chinesischen Kultur ist mit den Grundfarben schwarz = Yang und weiß = Yin als Symbol des Lebenskreislaufs festgelegt. Im altertümlichen China wurde die Farbe schwarz dem Himmel zugeordnet und bedeutete "Anfang" während weiß das "Ende" darstellte.
mehr lesen »Congratulation!
4 outstanding students of American Kenpo promoted to 4th Degree Black Belt.
mehr lesen »C K F - Chinese karate federation (by Rainer Schulte)
Ed Parker lernte als Jugendlicher KENPO von dem Chinesen Prof. Chow. "Kenpo" ist ein Selbstverteidigungssystem basierend auf uralter, antiker Geschichte aus dem Reich der Mitte ...
mehr lesen »Für Vereine und Schulen
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